Saturday 26 May 2012

Quarter 4

The activity I am reflecting on is liner functions in real world Application. We learned about liner functions all through chapter 9. This was hard at some times but then I finely got the hang of it. It is cool to know how to display the math you learned in a real world problem.

Real World Application

A car wash company charges $92 payment and an extra $7 for every time you need a oil change. So this linear function would be y = 7x + 92, where x is the number of times you use the phone and y is the total amount of money charged.

A boy drinks 10 cups of water and 5 more every day. So the liner function would be y=5x+92

A arctic would use  a liner function when he is building a new house.

  1. Liner function also can be when building a house
  2. Phone paments
  3. Car Paments
  4. How much food you eat
  5. How much you eat
  6. How much you sleep
 The list goes on ...............


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