Sunday 27 May 2012

Quarter 4

The activity was creating an address book in Microsoft access. This activity required us to pay close attention in class if we wanted to get the assignment correct. We had to create a survey in Google docs and sent it out to all of our class mates. They would later respond and you would put the information in the address book you would create in Microsoft access.

The purpose of this activity was to get us the student familiar with Google docs and Microsoft access. This was a useful tool we can use in our everyday lives. With the skills we have be give we can now create surveys on Google docs and create a address book on Microsoft access.

In this activity I learned how to send invites to my class mates in Google docs. I also learned how to change the color, fount and style of my address book. The most important thing I learned was moving around the test so the words would not be cut of the page.

I could have learned more if I went home and explored Microsoft access on my computer. I also could have checked out some YouTube video on how to use Microsoft access. I could have learned differently if someone else taught me how to use the program.

This activity did not relate directly to my goals but it did help me explore a program that I could use for school work.

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