Saturday 26 May 2012

Quarter 1

                       The Interview


The women who made this interview possible Jakarta

My careers interview was on my house keeper Jakarta. I picked this topic because I wanted to hear from the maids’ point of view because they work in our houses all day. Surprisingly my maid likes her job she said that she makes good money and that she likes her accommodations. She said that she likes Saudi and working for my family because we don’t treat her bad like other people treat there maids. Most people take the maids job for granted when the job is harder then you think.

I learned that my hose keeper Jakarta wanted to be a business woman when she was to grow up. In interview she talked about how she wanted to open a store in her home country Ethiopia. She wants to sell cloths grocers and perhaps make a shisha shop. This fascinated me because she didn’t seem like the person that would want to open a business. This dream hasn’t come true, but there is a strong possibility she can make her own business if she works hard at it. She told me that things in Ethiopia are very cheap and it takes little money to open a shop.

I learned some of the things Jakarta does around the house; she cleans all the toilets, makes all the beds every day, and cooks dinner daily. She also makes shisha for my dad, she feeds my dog, and she also takes care of her own child all at the same time. I believe she is a very remarkable lady that can do whatever she puts her mind to. This information that was given to me makes me want to get the highest education possible because I am not the person that likes to serve other people. This project made me think about how I would feel if I was in Jakarta’s position, I wouldn’t be too happy but some people are different.

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