Friday 3 June 2011

Quarter 3

The activity was the Topic pie graph; we got to pick any topic. My topic was what is your favorite video game, I took the votes in class and the next day displayed it on a pie graph and brought it to school to turn in for a grade. It was fun and hard at the same time because I got to learn a little about what the students in my class liked to play but it was hard to make the pie graph.

The propose of the activity was to make a Pie graph of any question we ask to the class and then display it on a pie graph. I was really simple but it was has to actually draw the pie graph.

I learned that FIFA was the most popular game among my class mates it was a little over half the votes. I also learned how to make a pie graph and how to find the degree from a present.

I could have learned more if I added more games on to my survey for the graph. I could have also learned more if Mr. Brow was in class on the day of the project. During his absence it was a bit hard to learn when you couldn’t understand the sub.

This activity helped me get closer to my goal of getting all A's because I got a 100% on this project. I was a big part of my grade it went in the class work area which counts for 40% of are grade.

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