Sunday 29 May 2011

Quarter 4

The activity was the peer teaching assignment, were my partner John and I had to teach the class about biogeography and dispersal. This was a fun task because we got to teach the class in our own way. You could show movies, make your own moves or just teach from the book.

The purpose of this activity was to teach the class all about our given topic. It was also to learn from a different perspective. This was fun and I learned a lot in the making of the project. I feel I thought the class really good. I hope latter on I can do a project like this again.

I learned different limits to dispersal like water, wind, and animals. For example a bird can carry insects to a new area. Wind can carry seeds to a new area, as well as water. I learned all about Pangaea, it is the theory that all the continents were together at one point, and then they separated apart, that why there are exotic animals in different sides of the world.

I could have learned more if I used more than one reference, that’s why I got marked down. I could have learned differently if I read more books about Biogeography, and dispersal. Over all I did well, I still got an A.

This activity helped me come closer to my goal of getting all A's because I got an A on the project and it increased my grad by a lot. Without this project grade I would have a B so I am happy we had this project.

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