Monday 23 May 2011

Quarter 1

The activity was to make a power point about the planets. My planet was Uranus, it was a long and easy project we had to include the smallest of details. Doing this I learned a lot about the planet.

The purpose of the activity was for us the students to make a power point and present it to the class. We tried to not read from the power point and say things by heart like a good teacher would. This was to teach the whole class about your planet, I learned a lot about other people’s planets.

I learned that mercury is the closest planet to the sun. I learned that Venus was named after the gods of love, and Neptune was named after the god of the ocean Position. Mars has a huge volcano on it. It is the most similar planet to earth. It shows traces of water. I learned that Jupiter is the biggest planet and it has some rings. I learned that Earth is the only planet with human life so far.

I could have learned more if I went to more web sites online when I made my power point. I could have checked out some books from the library, and I also could have taken more time when making my power point. Over all I am happy because I go a 100%.

The activity helped me work towards my goal because I got a 100% and, my goal for the year is to get all A's and that helped in the science section.

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