Saturday 19 March 2011

Quarter 3

Arabic culture

This is the Qura'n

The Great Mosque of Cordoba

This is Arabic calligraphy!

The activity was learning about Arabic calligraphy and arctictual structures. This activity was interesting and fulfilling. I embraced a lot of Arabic knowledge, that will benefit me throw farther learning. This information is useful and I can use it in my every day life. For instance if I build a house I might want to use the Arab architechtual structure.

The purpose of learning about Arabic culture and architecture was to embrace us the students’ knowledge on the country we are currently living in.

I learned that the Mesquita was a social thing were people sit and drink coffee, and enjoyed the southing sounds of the water pitter pattering down the fountain. The talk about things.It supposedly relaxes you. I also learned that the largest mosque in the world is The Great Mosque of Cordoba. Something that fascinated me was the ceilings of the Hall of Ambassadors in Alhamera resembles the seven heavens of Qura'n. Another cool fact is In 1960 The Ben Yousef was turned in to a museum. I also learned the Alhamera palace was decorated with gold and precious stones.

I could have learned more if I went home and researched more about what we learned in class, but sadly I didn’t better my self for farther education. I also could have taken more notes in class to study more for the test.

This is not related to my goal, becouse my goal is to improve in math.

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